Tuan Huynh-Quoc and Daniel Zwetsloot appointed directors
Managing Director, Sebastian Wood: “We are developing and diversifying our practice, requiring a strengthened and larger leadership team. Tuan and Dan have both been a major part of our development so far, respected by clients and staff alike. It’s going to be very exciting to see the energy they bring to the director group. We’re very lucky to have them!”
The directors of Whitby Wood UK : left to right : Chris Murray, Scott Lewis, Tuan Huynh-Quoc, Mohsen Vaziri, Alex Baalham, Mark Whitby, Dan Zwetsloot, Sebastian Wood, Kelly Harrison, Tim Cunningham
Operations director, Chris Murray is very happy …
“Tuan builds close relationships with clients, colleagues and team members. He’s a guy that you can rely on 100% to deliver the right solution. He has built a team of people that work for each other and for our clients.”
“Dan has a great passion for engineering, and always manages to deliver the optimum solution on complex projects with incredible efficiency. His team continuously improves under his guidance, pushing into new areas.”
Huge congratulations to Tuan and Dan.